Mr. B is Back!

Mr. B was back today for a quick session and a birthday invite design. He’s going to be ONE soon!

He was so excited to see me… Can you tell??

We got several shots of him for his invite. He was a great little model. It’s amazing that I get these shots in my measly ol yard. We have this single tree at the corner of our property line that produces the best shade for evening shoots.

Check out how he crosses his little feet when he’s sitting… So CUTE!!

We finally called it quits when the ants, bees, and birds were getting a little irritated with us! Oh the joys of country life… Can you spot the eggs? Momma bird had them hidden pretty well!

No Responses to “Mr. B is Back!”

  1. Amy

    I don’t see the eggs

  2. Jill Cornelius

    They’re smack dab in the middle of the pic… tan with black dots…

  3. The Farns

    Great shots as always. The colors are incredible. My favorite is the one of him looking up. Good picture of the eggs.

  4. Les and Kimberly

    Aw….he looks like such a happy baby in the pictures – very cute! Are those bird eggs or what?!

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