8 Days Old

I still remember the day that Momma R called me to tell me she wanted me to capture the first year of her new baby… I asked her when the baby was due and she replied with March–that was 6 months ago, before she even knew that Baby D was a boy. And today I got to meet him! He was absolutely adorable. He didn’t even really cry–just let out a little peep when it was time to eat.

There is an abundance of pics, so I’ll go ahead and get started with them…

He had the best lashes… So long and curled up!

There are those back wrinkles that I love so much…

I have been wanting to do this shot forever, but haven’t ever had the chance–today I made a point. I literally got one shot–this was it and man am I happy that it was a keeper!

Baby boy in blue…

Trying out a new hat–not bad for $2.50!

Love this bear! This was one of his gifts he got in the hospital when he was born.

Does this not make you think of how babies are all curled up in the womb? He actually stayed like this for quite a bit while I changed up my backdrop for the next shot.

Still lovin’ this!

A sweet blanket made by a very special person.

His lovie… Makes me think of Chester the Cheetah! 😉

Sportin’ the big boy hat…
In Daddy’s arms…

Momma’s Little Man…

New family–Love this 2nd one!

Thank you R family… Your new little guy was a dream to photograph. Congratulations to you all!

3 Responses to “8 Days Old”

  1. The Lujan's

    Adorable!! Love them all!!

  2. Kimberly

    Awww……those are great! I love the saddle one. 🙂

  3. Misyeri

    Great pics of Danielito 🙂

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