Let it snow…

Today, I am on the ball… LOL! Just got back from my session and sneak peek is ready to go… I love doing sneak peeks, so I love to get them ready as soon as I can.

This is Miss G… You will probably remember her little face–she has the most precious lips! She is 3 months old now… She did fantastic at her session today, but boy did we wear her out! LOL!

The best present anyone could get…

Isn’t she sweet?

Hard to see on here, but her hat says, Baby’s 1st Christmas.

My favs!

So peaceful…

Love all her faces!

Her Aunt C got this outfit…

And you can’t do a baby girl session without the tutu!

Mommy’s Little Deer!

Thank you G family! I’m glad we went ahead and did the session (I’ve been under the weather–darn sinuses). We got some cute stuff!

Well, I better get off here… We’re gonna take the kids to the parade.

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