We’re back…

Vacation was good… Much needed! We went to the beach a few times, Moody Gardens to see the dinosaurs and play in their pools, out to eat (alot), the pool, a massage for mom, golf game for dad, too much ice cream, etc. I can’t wait to post pictures of our ventures… The new computer is supposed to be here on Tuesday, so hopefully by the time we get the programs loaded, I’ll be back in business the next day or so. I’ll be placing orders and finishing proof galleries as fast as I can… Already lined up a sitter (my wonderful mom) to watch the kiddos a couple of days so I can have uninterrupted computer time.

I’m antsy and ready to get back to work… My dinosaur of a PC isn’t good for much more than surfing the web. Thanks again for everyone’s patience… I’ll be in touch! And hopefully my next post will have pictures too!

One Response to “We’re back…”

  1. Dawn

    LOVE the header!!!

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