It was a hot one…

So the other night I posted the sneak of a sneak… Well, here is the rest of our sneak peek. Let me start by saying that it was a hot one–at 9 am too! It’s too bad that the Arboretum doesn’t open earlier (even if it was only open to photographers). But aside from all that, it was a busy time with two toddlers (14 mos and 19 mos) and a 4 yo. Thankfully we were able to distract them just enough to get some goodies!

Here we go… Cousins!

This is Miss I. She loved to explore.

All the cousins!

Mr. G was a great helper…

There’s that brother and sister!


And there’s that other cutie!

Pretty flowers…


Then a few of Miss S. She stayed a little longer to capture some more cute stuff!

Thanks guys! I’m glad we survived the heat and were able to capture some cute stuff… I’ll be in touch soon when the proofs are ready.

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